Wellbeing & Health


Wellbeing and health are critical to us sustaining ourselves so we can sustain the world 

How can I tell if my skincare is sustainable?

Vegan, natural, organic, fair-trade, cruelty-free, clean, all-natural, botanical... There are a lot of words that products nowadays tend to toss around like they're nothing. It puts a big pall over the whole sustainable skincare and cosmetics market, when you're not sure if what you're buying is really eco-friendly - or if it's just a scam. Have you...

Bringing in International Self-Care Day in a WILD Way!

There's still a bit of time until International Self-Care Day, set on the 24th of July, making it the perfect time to get a headstart on what you need! Self-care is this big, wide, generalized idea that has started to crop up recently on social media. Obviously it means caring for yourself, but how and why ? Let's delve a bit into the...

It's pamper time, Mothers!

Mother's day is just around the corner in Dubai (in fact, it's just tomorrow!) and of course, we should all take a moment, an hour, a whole day, a whole year - why not - to appreciate our mothers. But mothers! You need to appreciate yourselves a little bit more too! A little bit of pampering sure does go a long way. And I know it's hard to find the...

My Pillow is a Priority

Raise your hand if you woke up feeling well-rested every day this week? No? You are not alone. Scientific studies are showing that over 40% of the global adult population is sleep deprived. Sleep disorders like insomnia or sleep apnea are common sleep preventers, however many of us are consciously choosing to sleep less . Although an odd night...

20 products that will improve your sleep and make you feel all warm and fuzzy!

Sleep can be a really elusive thing. It likes to run from us and hide from us, especially when we want it. At other times, it's just there and can steal over you when you least expect it. Sleep is kind of like a cat in that way. Cats and sleep also have a few other shared traits. They... like soft, comfy things like warm...

Mental health: why so taboo?

Here's a question: What is mental health? To understand something fully, one must understand its opposite. Let's not ask what mental illness is, but what mental health is instead. You might simply say it's the lack of mental illness, but what does that look like? Mental health is when you have a clear head and when you can realize your own...

How Does Color Affect My Sleep?

Colors can influence mood, emotions, and behaviors. Different colors can be used to evoke certain emotions — from aggressiveness and anger to calmness and happiness. Pastel and muted shades are typically better for sleep than more vibrant ones, as bold colors can have an energizing effect. Understanding the way these colors affect your mood can...

Mindful Movement – Transitioning Back To School

Anyone else feels like they’ve just blinked and Summer 2021 waved ‘Yalla, Bye’? It feels like just yesterday that I was only noticing the number of summer camps (some impressively innovative I must say) and activities being advertised to support parents in keeping the kiddies engaged over the summer. Then, with the click of somebody’s magic fingers –...

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